
Monday, July 1, 2013

Back to Blogging

Sorry about the lapse in recent posts. Sometimes I can't decide if I should post something just to post something or if I should hold out for riveting subject matter.
Prepare for riveting subject matter...
Our care goal for the year is going really well. All of the Allina Health EMS staff have changed their documentation patterns and I am very pleased to say that things are looking good.
The priority is good patient care, recognizing those patients that truly are at risk of having something bad happen to them and being as careful with them as you can.
When we launched this, we all talked about the increase in calls to MDs for medical control clearance. Well, for the month of May the care goal generated 31 calls to an MD for medical direction. If Lisa looks at calls that were made unrelated to care goal data, there were 14 that month. I am glad to say this care goal is not generating an overwhelming number of calls for medical control. I have not had any negative feedback from hospitals regarding this at all.
Now, we are seeing a number of cases where there should have been a call. So there is room for improvement. Interestingly, these are very often because the patient has persistently abnormal vital signs. Remember that there is a number range for HR and RR that the patient must fall into to be signed without a call to the MD. There is only one call related to alcohol where an MD call was not made and should have been.
You are doing a good job, thanks.

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